Dokuritsu Budo Renmei Memberhip

Membership is £30 per year. Upon submitting the membership form, successful applicants receive their verification certificate and membership card. They then receive our newsletter and dates of courses and seminar, which we run throughout the year, we also make available film footage and documentation of the original masters. We offer advice on training in martial arts, as well as updated legal changes regarding weapons law and statute concerning self defence.

To apply for our application form simply get the details from ‘contact us’, then send a request, to include your name, address, e.mail, and full contact details.

All communications are direct to members, this helps maintain their independent autonomy under our umbrella. If any member of the public wants to check any individuals grade or substantiate if they are a member of the Dokuritsu Budo Renmei, please feel free to ask us through our contact details. We keep updated records of all current instructors, students, lapsed members, and all qualification registered through us (current and lapsed).



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