Copyright M. Finn/Elite International - world rights reserved
Michael Finn is a National Police Judo Champion, represented Britain in the first World Kendo Championships in Japan, and received various commendations during his police career. Michael Finn began martial arts in 1955, he was requested back to Britain from Japan in 1970 by the City of London police who wanted to use his expertise. During this time he wrote the Home Office approved book on police arrest, which became official reading. He has a great deal of experience with police training and hands on arrest skills on the street, both in uniform and under cover. As an expert he liaised with Sir John Major over matters relating to police weapons. He liaised with Lord John Patten in respect of the 1988 criminal justice bill. He also advised a government select committee on police arrest. Advised the Metropolitan police on arrest issues, and is registered as an expert in martial skills, police arrest, and associated matters with the American military.
Michael Finn has lectured at various universities including Durham and Cambridge, as well as institutes and private schools around the country. He is a full time totally independent professional in his field. He has a great deal of court experience, having dealt with innumerable cases involving martial arts, hand weapons and violence generally. His overall knowledge is unique in his field, further information is available on this site. All information is verifiable.
Michael Finn has a working knowledge of statute involving violence and hand weapons, he has published a number of articles on these subjects for Police Review and the Law Society magazine. He has also acted as advisor on such legislation as the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, section 141.